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Wedding: Sarah & Matt – April 20, 2008

As a progressive, contemporary wedding photographer shooting in the digital age, it can be overwhelming to come back from a long day’s shooting with the daunting task of processing a couple thousand photos ahead of you. But if I wait a couple days before sitting down at the computer, it can easily become a week, 10 days, then the bride starts sending you discreet texts and emails wondering where her photos are. But do I ever fall victim to this procrastination? Of course not! I say, get ‘er done now and move on!

I consumed a few energy drinks and powered through Matt and Sarah’s photos, and I gotta tell ya either I’m getting better at this or my new equipment (Nikon D3, D300) is making the editing process more dreamy! I am so happy to be able to present the B&G with ALL 800-and-something edited photos on my website when they’re only day one into their honeymoon.

Here’s a slideshow of my “Photographer’s Top 100” photos. Enjoy!